Forest green V-neck sweater featuring the Charter East Dulwich logo*.
White polo shirt. This can be plain or featuring the Charter East Dulwich logo*. No long sleeve tops are to be worn under the polo shirt expect for cultural or religious reasons.
Smart, tailored, plain mid grey trousers of waist height and ankle length. (No jeans, denims, chinos, cords, combats, skinny fit, recent fashion trend or other casual trousers. No trousers with accessories including leg pockets, zips etc.)
Smart, tailored, plain mid grey skirts, knee length or longer.
Socks/ tights
Plain black, grey or white knee or ankle height socks, or plain black or grey tights. No over the knee socks or leggings.
Plain black leather shoes. No trainers (regardless of colour), canvas shoes or boots of any description. No suede shoes or Vans of any description. Plain black Kicker shoes are acceptable.
PE Kit
Forest green PE jumper and T shirt, both featuring the Charter East Dulwich logo*. Black shorts/skirt as appropriate and long black sports trousers. PE shoes should have white soles.
Plain, dark-coloured PE kit bag. Drawstring bags are acceptable for PE Kit.
Plain waterproof black, dark grey or navy blue coat only - no large logos or colours, no leather jackets. No denim jackets, regardless of colour.
Hats and sportswear/tracksuit tops or hooded tops are not allowed in school (apart from the school logo hooded top for PE). Plain dark coloured woollen hats are allowed in winter.
Please note:
The school's uniform suppliers are:
White Hall Clothiers, 77 Camberwell Road, London, SE5 0EZ, 020 7703 3604. Please see website for location details.
Bailwood, 246 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6JU, 020 8852 8727. Please see website for location details.
All items are available from our uniform suppliers, but non-branded uniform items may also be purchased elsewhere.
You may also wish to visit The Friends of TCSED’s second hand school uniform sale